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Reforming 'Business As Usual'
"This election year will be an important chance to change the way they do business in Washington." Maryanne
Connelly |
Pass Real Campaign Finance
Reform. Maryanne Connelly believes that it is time to pass tough bi-partisan campaign finance legislation. She will work to eliminate special interest soft money by making all contributions to political parties subject to the same limits that now apply to hard money. And Maryanne Connelly will make sure that soft money cannot be rechanneled into so-called independent expenditures, by banning the use of a candidate's name or likeness in third-party advertising within 60 days of an election. Finally, Maryanne Connelly will work to require expanded and speedier disclosure of contributions and expenditures, including electronic filing, and impose stronger penalties for violations. Ban Special Interest Gifts. Maryanne Connelly will vote in Congress to ban special interest gifts. She believes that members of Congress should put the public interest before the special interests, and most importantly before their own self-interest. Give Payraises to Local College Fund. Members of Congress are paid $141,300 a year, plus retirement, health, and other benefits. Maryanne Connelly believes that is enough. If elected to Congress, she will vote against and refuse any and all congressional pay raises, including cost of living adjustments. If Congress passes a pay raise over her objections, she will donate that pay raise to a local college scholarship fund so that
the money is put to good use. Download this position paper in Word for Windows for friends and family without Internet access. |